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Pasha Cook has empowered thousands of students and professionals in career readiness, leadership development, and personal brand enhancement. In January 2017, Pasha recognized a need to help athletes and professionals bridge the gap between sports and life. This insight led to the creation of CHAMPS U—a transformative program built on the Seven Pillars of Championship Character: Coach-ability, Hunger for Learning, Accountability, Mastering Your Mindset, Perseverance, Strengths through Struggles, and Branding Yourself Like a Champion from the Inside Out.
CHAMPS U has rapidly become the go-to character development program for collegiate institutions nationwide. As a keynote speaker, Pasha connects deeply with diverse audiences through compassion, timeless wisdom, and interactive engagement. Drawing on her experiences as an athlete, life coach, and entrepreneur, Pasha helps teams, organizations, and businesses cultivate a Culture of Servant Leaders with Character.
Pasha’s journey from a high school dropout to a first-generation college graduate with a B.S. from The University of Memphis is a testament to the transformative power of resilience and determination. Book CHAMPS U today to start CHAMPING the way you and your team show up in life and branding yourself like a champion from the Inside Out.